Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dragon horoscope 2010

Dragon horoscope 2010

HEALTH Horoscope - The Dragon type is full of energy during this period. However one needs to focus on the physical needs of the body. Remember to keep up with regular exercise, adequate nourishment and rest. Good health is vital for facing the challenge ahead.

CAREER Horoscope - "Fortune and Prosperity Stars" are with you in this period and could make you very busy both socially and professionally. You should be able to implement your plans or business diversification/expansion. You might feel invincible but remember not to get carried away. Riding on such achievements or success needs a lot of talent, wisdom and support from employees, colleagues, clients and friends. In other words, good public relationships are essential for future prospects and not to be neglected.

MONEY Horoscope - Dragon's natural generosity is one of the stumbling blocks when negotiating financial deals, try to employ others to negotiate if necessary in order to secure the best deal/option. Need to act tough with any gains and not be influenced by emotional feelings. Otherwise, problems could arise from emotional judgment, regrets would then be too late. Consider investing into property if the opportunity arises.

LOVE Horoscope - Make time and effort for your loved one. Do not overlook the hints that your partner is willing to tie the knot. For married couples, do spend quality time with the family.

Gemini horscope 2010

Gemini horoscope

General Horoscope 2010 - Opportunities to travel arise in 2010, and adventure tends to seek you out. Some restlessness is likely, mainly because of a deep feeling of wanderlust. You are more able than ever to see the "big picture" and less inclined to sweat the small stuff. Romantic relationships become more complicated this year. You may be asked to state your intentions or urged to get serious. You don't like to get backed into a corner, so this can cause some strain. If single, you might establish a serious romance or meet a more mature or older lover. Concerns about children, who may be entering a new stage of development that requires more attention, are likely, if applicable. 2010 is a period in which your belief systems and personal philosophies are especially important to you, and you are more inclined to share them with those younger than you. It's an excellent year for travel, higher education, communications, and higher learning. Fundamental changes in your domestic situation and career orientation are likely. A strong period for personal influence occurs in the last week of January and first week of February. A strong period for romance and fun occurs in August. Intense activity with a partner (or new partner) occurs in October.

Career Horoscope 2010 - Slow and steady progress will now come in career, although there will be monetary pressures throughout the month. Competition could cause hurdles in work areas between the 26th and 30th. Business matters will be better and more stable compared to the past. New avenues open up with this month. Job matters will be positive till the 15th and an overall slowdown will come beyond that. Work atmosphere could see a period of anxiety and heated behaviour around the 15th and 28th. Be cautious. Professionals have a better month, but still some amount of drag will be felt throughout the month.

Health Horoscope 2010 - Pressures in personal life will ease out as your complexes and negative thoughts will improve after the 6th. Family life will become more serious and some distances could come in from paternal side. Children related issues will be positive throughout. Health will be positive till the 16th. Thereafter you might experience a fall in level of energy.

Money Horoscope 2010 - This year will give you the opportunity to liquidate debts or to pay old invoices. There are financial questions to solve once for all, a great assessment will prove to be impossible to circumvent, which will enable you to set out again on healthier bases as from July. You will act as well as possible on your financial interests, you will need to keep yourself alone to make wise decisions and to re-examine differently your budget. Stress is laid on liquidating debts or preparing essential expenditure for next year which will be related to the embellishment of your home. You will have to make financial decisions which directly touch your emotional life. The most important will be to take time to ensure yourself that your decisions are positive for everyone. It is in May that financial facilities are announced.

Love and Marriage Horoscope - In recent years, you've been hesitant to trust your instincts when it comes to love, but that mindset doesn't serve you anymore. As you start surrendering to the notion of a one-on-one relationship, the right person will walk into your life. As you let the doors open on your romantic life, your home environment will become sunny and stable, and you'll find your personal relationships improving. By the end of the year, your romantic life will have taken on a whole new dimension. You will be singing with joy as you experience intense intimacy with your partner, leaving you content on an emotional level deeper than you've ever felt before.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rabbit Chinese horoscope 2010

Rabbit Chinese horoscope 2010

HEALTH Horoscope - Take immediate action to seek medical treatment for those suffering from long term illness or discomfort, situation will be worsen if keep on delaying. If you are not willing to be helped, then no one will be able to help you. Do not let the rest of the family suffer because of your ill health. Beware of heart related problems for those born in the year 1927 and 1939.

CAREER Horoscope - Need to tread carefully at work. Good appraisal from management could arouse jealously amongst some colleagues. Concentrate on your work and do not get involved with "Company Politics" that should ensure a smoother progress. For new business ventures, one needs to carry out more research prior to commitment.

MONEY Horoscope - Financial status looks moderate during this period. It is a good moment to look for alternative options for investment but not advisable to invest in high risk profiles. Do not let greed cloud your judgment. For those born in 1975, remember to live within your means rather than get trapped in unnecessary financial difficulties.

LOVE Horoscope - For newly weds, it is vital to trust each other no matter what suspicious circumstances. For new lovers, remember to take things gradually and let love flow naturally. Rushing matters is certainly not going to help and might eventually backfire. For married couples, have patience and try to understand your partner. He/she could be going through some bad times emotionally and need care and loving support.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Taurus horoscope 2010

Taurus horoscope 2010

General Horoscope - Work figures especially strongly in 2010 for you, dear Taurus. Some form of pleasant culmination in your professional life brings rewards and recognition. Still, despite the fact that you're loving your career this year, you are also working especially hard. The inclination is towards more detail work, and it can get to you at times. You may turn a job into a vocation in 2010, and some work behind the scenes figures. Personal projects are on an upswing. A project begun near the beginning of the year is likely to bear fruit towards the end of 2010. Romance and close personal relationships are not making big headlines for you this year, which could be a good thing, although you should definitely take some solid time off for recreation. All work and no play just isn't going to fulfill you at the end of the day, even if it is a tendency. As well, becoming more particular about your health and diet is in order. Happier periods for recreation and romance occur in May, June, and August. Stronger times for finances occur in the last week of January and most of April.

Career Horoscope - Career will pickup tremendously this month. New avenues will give returns and effort carried out in the past could bear fruit now. This period will see high gains due to creative energy. You will find great success in promotional efforts. Business would be average and there would be some improvement after the 16th. Income will rise around the 27th while stress could rise due to some misunderstanding around the 29th. Job matters will be positive throughout the month. Professional will also receive a tremendous rise this month.

Health Horoscope - Personal matters will be happy and stable, while family matters too will be positive after the 1st. There will be anxiety and some pressures post 25th. Avoid verbal conflict between 26th and 29th. Health will be positive and there will be good energy and stamina. Children related issue will be positive till 25th and cause anxiety after that. Be careful of an injury around 29th.

Money Horoscope - The beginning of 2010 will make you want to make the point about your financial situation. But you will hardy find time to do it ! Indeed, your activity will become more intensive, you will have to make changes, firms are in the air . if you are thinking about a loan, make a important purchase, you will have facilities to do it. Don't hesitate to look for informations, to undertake steps related to legality. You will see clearly how to spend your money more judiciously, this is time to stop to waste where you don't need to !

Love and Marriage Horoscope - A wonderful circle of love and unity surrounds you. In the summertime, your passion will attract a partner who makes you feel safe, and you will be able to love more deeply than ever before. You're willing to take risks for someone who is emotionally strong. You feel so positive and uplifted that everything seems perfect, as if you are really tapping in to some great spiritual blessings. You will feel you need to establish some personal roots, and will find yourself thinking about home and family more than ever before. In October, you might find yourself desiring marriage, after a genuine deepening in your primary relationship.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tiger Chinese horoscope 2010

Tiger Chinese horoscope 2010

HEALTH Horoscope - Need to treat this period with care concerning movement within the workplace and public places during daytime. Pay attention to where you are going or heading, to avoid any physical mishaps. There is nothing life threatening but could certainly cause discomfort and inconvenience.

CAREER Horoscope - Concentrate on your work and do less day dreaming. Opportunities are within reach provided you contribute enough effort and time. Patience is the key word. Continue with what you know and do your best rather than thinking of changing profession.

MONEY Horoscope - Good fortune sometime derives from industrious effort, good investment, judgment and timing. During this period, for the Tiger type, one should handle financial matters with great care when dealing with family members or affairs. Review each and every situation before making financial commitments. Otherwise, your good intentions could easily be rejected by family members. Regrets by then would be too late.

LOVE Horoscope - Do not let financial matters come between the two of you. Discussing them in the open will help to lessen the burden. Team work is important for a successful partnership in life.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Virgo horoscope 2010

Virgo 2010 horoscope

General Horoscope - This year 2010 , you find more joy in your daily routines. Although work can be rather hectic at times, you tend to enjoy taking care of all the details. A move towards working out of the home is likely for many of you. If you have been trying to land a dream job, this is more likely to occur now. Romance could be on the serious or practical side in 2010. Avoid over-analyzing your relationships, or treating them more like businesses. Turning a hobby or favorite pastime into a job could also figure. Partnership ups and downs continue to be a theme, as you struggle with matters of freedom and dependency. Sexual experimentation and liberation is also a theme in 2010. Finances are a serious matter for you this year, and you could take pleasure in building your resources and analyzing your cash flow. There is a fine line between financial discipline and worrying excessively about financial details, however.

Career Horoscope - There will be tremendous improvement in career after the 6th as there would be overall relief in the hurdles of the past two years. Further the level of results will be slow till the 16th when a turn around would come. Business will pickup as the level of expenses and losses will get covered and turn the corner. Job matters will improve tremendous this month too. Professionals might have had a difficult month in August. September will be quite favourable. Just be patient after the 26th till end of the month.

Health Horoscope - Happiness in personal life as there would be an element of positivity and control of your thoughts during this time. Confidence might remain low till the 25th when a major turn around will come through . Children related issues will improve, although there could be health related issues. Family life will be positive and give you all round gains. Health will be positive throughout.

Money Horoscope - Your financial life is stabilized at the beginning of year, and you will have luck on your side. Financial successes come to you, money re-entries are highly facilitated until spring. It is time to claim what people owe you, to collect benefit of sums placed, to sell with the rise personal goods, etc. Your imagination will help you with better planning your expenditure throughout the year in a judicious way, decided to place your money in a constructive direction above all. You will take good initiatives to rebalance your budget on the long run. You will have to resist, as from September, to temptations related to impulsive expenditure but neither always useful nor necessary, you will be push to the expenditure, remain objective.

Love and Marriage Horoscope - This is a perfect time for proud Virgo, because you have the desire, drive and power to help society. You realize there's work to do, and you'll give a helping hand wherever you can. You are ready to align yourself with a higher level of awareness, and exhibit a regenerative attitude is about reaping the harvest by submitting to the larger purpose. What you are able to give to others directly reflects the transformation happening within you.
Your heart is in the right place, and you are likely to accomplish all that you set out to do this year. You're developing excellent skills in your own personal transformation process, and you are ready to make the conscious decision to be the best you can be. You feel secure, and the beauty of who you are shines through easily and effortlessly.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010

Ox Chinese Horoscope 2010

HEALTH Horoscope - During this period, majority of those born in the year of the OX could be affected by climate changes, such as the chest and lungs. This situation would be worse for smokers and heavy drinkers, but regular exercise is one of the methods of improving your health together with maintaining a healthy diet. For those that are seeking medical treatment, it is best not to delay any further.

CAREER Horoscope- A word of advice for the career types, "Needs to treat people kindly that will help you move up the ladder". Good fortune always evolves through other people and success could be limitless provided you manage to gain respect by initially respecting others. Do not get carried away by success and fortune.

MONEY Horoscope- Money Luck is improving for the better but do not invest in the shares market. Investment in property is highly recommended. Family members could incur extra expenditure but you will be able to manage.

LOVE Horoscope - After having encountered some tense and turbulence period, peace and harmony are highly indicated for married couples. Clearing the air and patching up any differences as soon as possible among lovers is strongly recommended. For those are still looking for a partner, do not despair and think on the positive side.